I have always paid attention to my weight since it was a common struggle in my household growing up. I was always the tall and bigger friend, and never had great self-esteem. In high school, I swam 5 days a week that included two workouts a day in some cases. In college, I was determined not to gain the “freshman 15”. Put that along with low self-esteem because of a guy, I stupidly limited myself to only eating 1000 calories a day. My weight was the lowest I ever remember it being, and I still wasn’t happy. After college, I got married and later had my daughter. The scale kept creeping up as time went on.
One day on my neighborhood FB page, someone (shout out to Paige) mentioned a Groupon for Kyle Texas Fit Chicks. I was tired and grouchy all the time, and knew it was time to do something about it. I had tried other workout programs before, but I never stuck with them. I thought the Groupon was the perfect way to try out KTFC without spending a lot of money.
On my first day of class, I didn’t know what to expect. My nerves were on fire, but they were quickly put to ease as I walked up and was greeted (shout out to Britney) with such enthusiasm. I wasn’t able to do everything all the other chicks could do for the first couple of months due to my C-Section, but Terah showed me some modifications.
Fast-forward 10 months later; I have less than 10 lbs to reach my high school weight, and 17lbs to reach the lowest weight that I can remember (this time doing it the healthy way). More importantly I am more positive, have more energy, and have more self-love than I ever thought was possible. I feel like I am a better wife, mom, daughter, sister, and friend because of KTFC. I could not have done it without the support that Terah, and all my fellow fit chicks have given me. We really are one big happy family, and I could not be more proud to be part of this group.
Mindset really is everything. What you tell yourself everyday can either tear you down or build you up. I used to tell myself negative things all the time about my body. Now when I look in the mirror I see the improvements in my body rather than the flaws.